Aug 24, 2012


Integration, Information, Motivation, Intention, Volition, Action and Reflection are closely related topics of  brain functioning. Our extended integrated action model is based on a psychological theory on human behavior and integrates concepts of  cognitive psychology, neurosciences and motivational theories. The model tries to explain, why a person shows or does not show certain actions in a situation where a specific action would have to be expected.  

This CEREBRART work interprets allegorically the Motivation phase, where a motive is formed that drives the person to think deeply about an action related to some challenge. Focusing on our model allows the brain to consider very different phenomena related to Integration, Information, Motivation, Intention, Volition, Action and Reflection to be treated as components of a unified cyclic process that unfolds when an organism faces a challenge or opportunity and could use that challenge to get a new, a higher level of healthy integration with the Biosphere.

1 comment:

  1. MotivationBlog
