The functional role (motivation, intention, volition etc.) played by any component (e.g. cortical area, neurotransmitter, neuronal population etc.) of the human brain is largely defined by its synaptic connections. Our intentions snaked with our early predecessors synapsida through the more primitive red-to-blue information-to-immediate-action world of ancient reptilians. For decades, acetylcholine was thought of a memory-related neurotransmitter, but now acetylcholine thought to play an important role in executive functions. This
CEREBRART artwork shows numerous partly stylised neural cholinergic fibers labelled by choline acetyltransferase (green) tending to establish synaptic connections with one activated pyramidal neural cell with a big nucleus (blue) and nucleolus (red) in the cortex cerebri.
Allons, Serpentin Vert, je vous ordonne, pour achever votre intention de produire une synapse cholinergique avec l'alpha-bungarotoxine...