Sep 12, 2012

CEREBRART - The Birth of Motivation

To what extent is human motivation fixed at birth and to what extent can it be modified by experience?  An important period of gradual axonal and dendritic growth and synapse refinement and elimination in the brain appears to occur mostly within the first decade of life, starting at birth. Because motivation is something that comes and goes, a failure of appropriate levels of social motivation, when deficient from birth, may derail a whole host of complex brain developmental processes. Therefore, I believe that the study of the ways in which sustainable motivation emerges developmentally can contribute to a broader and much deeper understanding of how the brain works.
I believe further that music is not only the foremost motivational resource but also offers a unique opportunity to better understand how motivation emerges within the human brain. This CEREBRART work “The Birth of Motivation” illustrates that idea artistically.


  1. Schwarz->rot->orange->gelb - Die Entstehung der Motivation

  2. Genau. Yes - it is very important that the color coding be maintained to convey more information during CEREBRART creation so that there is no confusion about where all of this artistic information is placed on the main conceptual scientific map. As a result of the color coding, some artistically and scientifically inspired methods for integrating the analysis of the artistic and scientific aspects of CEREBRART have begun to emerge. Usually (but not always), such coding is straightforward and simple enough to be readily understood intuitively by imagining Integration, Information, Motivation, Intention, Volition, Action and Reflection as components of a unified brain spectrum.

  3. Motivations are preprogrammed at birth. Motivations are innate in our brains and become visible as children mature. Listening to music makes motivations more visible. But motivations are present in our brains already.
